
The Present Pro ribbons, along the top of the Present Pro workspace, provide options for running, formatting, and managing the appearance of your presentation. When you select different items on a slide, options are included on some ribbons that are relevant to the selected item, for example, you always see New on the presentation ribbon, but only see font formatting options if a text box is selected and the Component ribbon is selected.

  • For more general information about the workspace, see Workspace

Common options

Run presentation

Click Run Presentation (purple highlight, above) or press your F2 key to run the presentation. The runtime version of the presentation builds and opens in Present, with the slide that is currently open showing as the first page. Tip: Always save your presentation before you run it; this ensures you include your recent changes.

Ribbon selection

Due to the tremendous amount of flexibility provided by Present Pro, the ribbon is split into four. To access the required ribbon, simply click its corresponding button as indicated in the preceding image:

Presentation ribbon

The Presentation Ribbon offers quick access to a range of commonly-used tools. Some of these options also appear on the slide ribbon.

Tip: Your ribbon is expanded by default, but you can collapse it to give yourself some more canvas space. To collapse your ribbon, click the chevron (blue arrow, above). Once collapsed, you will need to hover over the repositioned buttons to view the options and click the chevron again to return to the expanded ribbon.




Add a new slide to your presentation. Tip: You can also create a new slide from the add button at the top of the Slides panel.

Advanced Slicer

Build a new slicer and add it to your presentation using the New Slicer wizard. Note: Slicers added in this view can be configured with reference to their elements, type (drop-down, buttons, and so on), behavior, and default settings.

Unlink All

Unlink all sharable items and embed them as separate one-off instances in the presentation. For example, unlink shared visuals so changes to the original visual in, say, Discover or Publish no longer affect the copy in this presentation.


Access copy, paste, cut, and delete functions.


Hide the selected slicer. This option is only available where a slicer is selected on the canvas.

Show Panels

Show or hide the panels that contain your visuals throughout the presentation. The panel is the frame or border that contains each visual. When you hide panels, the visuals or visual areas are still shown, but the borders, title, subtitle, and so on are hidden.

Slide Canvas

Change the color of the slide canvas using the Color Picker. This option only affects the canvas for the current slide.

Interaction Manager

Manage interactions between content items (slides, visuals, and so on) using the Interaction Manager.

Show Interactions

Show all interactions between all content items.

Auto Interact

Automatically add interactions when the relevant assets are added to the slides in this presentation. The default is for this option to be selected.

Model Mapping

Enable interactions between visual elements from different data models.

From Beginning

Preview your presentation from the beginning. Tip: To preview the presentation with the current slide selected, click Run or F2.

Runtime Settings

Select the functions that will be available at runtime from the Runtime Settings dialog.

Runtime Timer

Configure a timer that controls how long Pyramid should wait before either opening the next slide in the presentation (when cycling between the different slides in the presentation) or refreshing the current slide.

Reset Workspace

If you move or minimize any of your workspace panels, you can reset the workspace back to its default layout by clicking this option.

Design ribbon

The Design Ribbon allows the user to customize the design of their presentation. This includes tools that assist in placing assets on the canvas (like grid and guides), and options that affect the whole presentation appearance (like the design theme for the presentation).




Change the display size of the canvas when viewed in the app, relative to the available space. The options are: Fit to Page, Fit to Width, and Actual Size.


Show or hide the ruler along the top and left-side of the canvas.


Add guidelines to the canvas, to help you with the layout of your presentation.


Show or hide the background grid. This is only relevant to a presentation with a fixed layout.

Snap to Grid

Enable or disable "snap to grid" for items added to the canvas.

Canvas Size

Select a preset canvas size from the drop-down or select Custom to set a custom canvas size.

Presentation Background

Change the color of the presentation background (behind the slide) using the Color Picker.

Slicer Styles

Select a preset style for the slicer elements.


Choose a design theme for the presentation. Themes control the colors, fonts, masters, and so on associated with your presentation; ensuring a consistent and professional look and feel.

Reset Formatting

Undo any formatting changes. This action reverts to the default formatting for the currently selected design theme.

Refresh Snapshots

Re-create the thumbnail images used in the Content Manager.

AI Image

Add AI-generated images to the slide. Note: The size of the image can either be standard, or match the size of the slide (for use as a background).


Highlight dynamic text.

Empty Strings

Show an empty message when the dynamic text's underlying data point is empty.

Auto Translate

Automatically translate dynamic text using Pyramid's AI-driven Auto Translate feature.

Slide ribbon

The Slide Ribbon offers a range of tools aimed at customizing the current slide. Some of these options also appear on the presentation ribbon.




Add a new slide to your presentation.

Advanced Slicer

Build a new slicer and add it to your presentation using the New Slicer wizard. Note: Unlike in Present Lite, slicers added using this functionality are initially configured with reference to their elements, type (drop-down, buttons, and so on), behavior, and default settings.

Unlink All

Unlink all sharable items and embed them as separate one-off instances in the presentation. For example, unlink shared visuals so changes to the same visual in, say, Discover or Publish no longer affect the copy in this presentation. For more information, see One-off and sharable assets.

Slide Canvas

Change the color of the slide canvas using the Color Picker. This option only affects the canvas for the current slide.

Show Panels

Show or hide the panels for all visuals on the current slide. The panel is the frame or border that contains your visual.

Use the options on the drop-down to change the panel settings for all the visuals on your Slide. Either select More Panel Options to edit the options in the Formatting Panel or select a preset Panel Style from the options on the list.


Show or hide the titles for each panel on the current slide.


Show or hide the subtitles for each panel on the current slide. Note: The subtitle is typically the breadcrumb trail, but can be replaced with a custom value.

Auto Interact

Automatically add interactions when the relevant assets are added to this slide.

Remove All

Remove all interactions from the current slide.

Show Interactions

Show the interactions on this slide.

Interaction Manager

Manage interactions between content items (slides, visuals, and so on) using the Interaction Manager.


Change the stacking order of the selected item, as layered on the canvas.


Align an item to a location on the slide or align a collection of items to each other.


Tools to vertically or horizontally space a collection of items; you must select at least three items to enable this tool.

Component ribbon

The Component Ribbon offers settings and formatting choices that affect the look and feel of the currently selected item. As well as differing by selected item type, the options on the Component ribbon also differ depending on the visualization type of the selected visual.

Grid example

Text example


Relevant Item



Visuals (All)

Configure presentation actions.


Visuals (All), Tabulate visual area, Slicer

Change the background color of the selected visual or slicer using the Color Picker.

Dynamic Clipboard

Dynamic Text

Access the copy, cut, and paste functions for the selected dynamic text. Note that these options apply to both the text itself and the underlying dynamic logic.

Dynamic Text

Dynamic Text

Click to open the Dynamic Text wizard and configure dynamic text for the selected text box.

Use the drop-down options to add dynamic text, dynamic placeholders, or text field variables to your selected text box.



Change the font type, size, color, emphasis, shadow, strike through, spacing, letter case, background color, text box border color, text box border width, and text background color.

Graphic Text


Toggles the selected text box between Graphic Text, which resizes automatically with the text field, and Standard text, which must be resized manually.

Use the drop-down options to scale the Graphic Text automatically. For example, select 2 from the drop-down to double the size of the text in the selected graphic text box.

Grid Alignment

Grid, Tabulate visual area

Change the alignment of the grid within the visual.

Grid Sizing


Change the column width in a grid by selecting a preset, or by customization.


Visuals (All)

Show or hide the legend for the selected visual.



Change the paragraph lists, indents, spacing, alignment, text direction, spacing, and columns.

Scale Mode

Visuals (All), Tabulate visual area

Change the scale of the selected visual.

Show Panel

Visuals (All), Tabulate visual area

Show or hide the panel that contains your selected visual. The panel is the frame or border around your visual.

Use the options on the drop-down to change the panel settings for your selected visual. Either select More Panel Options to edit the options in the Formatting Panel or select a preset Panel Style from the options on the list.

Size and Position*

Visuals (All), Tabulate visual area, Text

Change the size and position of the selected item:

  • Adjust the item size using Width and Height.
  • Adjust the item position using X and Y.
  • Rotate the image by multiples of 10 degrees.

Tip: The X and Y coordinates and width and height are displayed underneath each content item when it is selected.



Apply different heading styles.


Visuals (All), Tabulate visual area

Show or hide the subtitles for your selected visual. Note: The subtitle is typically the breadcrumb trail, but can be replaced with a custom value.

Text Color


Change the color of the text used to label the slicer.


Visuals (All), Tabulate visual area

Show or hide the titles for your selected visual.


Visuals (All)

Unlink the selected content item and embed it as a separate one-off instance in the presentation. For example, unlink a shared visual so changes to the same visual in, say, Discover or Publish no longer affect the copy in this presentation.

Panel Background

Scrollable panel

Select a background color for your scrollable panel.